We help you.

Here you can find information about first steps, FAQ and hints for our technologies.

First steps:


Frequently asked questions:

How many sensors are needed per ha?

For intensive irrigation and intensive crops, we recommend one CLIMAVI soil per irrigation unit. For large-scale field crops, an installation of one sensor per 50-100 ha makes sense, depending on the location.

Where is the data stored?

The georeference data is displayed in the app and can be copied by clicking on it. It can also be copied to other apps. The data is stored in a data centre in Germany and is secured for you multiple times.

Who has access to the data?

You and the persons and partners designated by you.

We are obligated as a provider due to our data security to secure your data several times anonymously.

Can I export the data?

And it's very simple. By clicking, the coordinates are copied and can be pasted anywhere. The collected information can be saved in a list.

Contact us if you need a specific export or file format. service@agvolution.com

Contact us for more informations!

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